Saturday, 5 February 2011


As part of researching for Garry Barker's publication brief, I remember him saying that the printers he wanted to get the materials printed was Footprint who are a Leeds based printers who specialised and did a lot of local zines.  Garry wanted to push what the printers could do so it would be design driven. By the looks of the site, they don't really do any special finishes, nor will the budget allow this anyway, so the things that I can experiment with would be the stock, size, type, layout and general design direction and pushing the boundaries of the conventions of a publication(s).

I came across No.Zine, a self initiated project by Patrick Fry, the concept was to collaborate with illustrators, designers, writers, photographers and other creatives alike, to contribute material for the zine, which would be themed under the issue number. The format's quite nice and the concept is something that I would like to work on and manage aswell so it's interesting to see something that's actually been produced and available to purchase.

Although it is a zine, which is generally made within a tight budget, No.Zine demonstrates some interesting design elements that make it less Zine like. Something that I'm having to explore myself for the GB brief.

Anyway, here are a few sample covers and spreads from No.Zine.

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