Monday 30 May 2011

Final wrap around

The final designs for the wrap around for the design context publication. This will be printed duplex on the light 130gsm matte stock, but ideally something even lighter but will have to see what I can source in the limited amount of time I have left!

Still can't decide which one to go for, for the type side of the poster. I really do like the rules running across the whole design which actually clarified the design and the order of reading, especially with the indented names. However this feature apart from in some of the unerlined headers, doesn't really appear anywhere else in the context publication, so I'm just wary over the consistency of it. The other thing is also the colour, I felt that black on white is a bit too cold and dry as it run throughout the publication, so currently stuck on a dilemma with this decision. 

One thing that has been decided however is the final layout for side A, the side which will be visible when wrapped around the publication itself. Further developing from the previous versions, I have adjusted each image to their ideal resolution and overall composition, individually and as a whole set. I've also distributed all the interview ones evenly throughout the arrangment. In comparison to the previous printed mockup, the images are alot more organised as they are all aligned to the type and snapped to a row of 9 grid set to a 5mm margin. 

Just hope I can get  couple of copies of this printed before deadline to go with the printed publication which should arrive from Lulu very soon!

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