Sunday, 1 May 2011

Further spread developments

We decided to allocate the spreads between the whole group to increase productivity and to get a fair input of developing the yearbook. I wasn't too sure about this decision really as I felt that we were at the point where we'd really need to get everyone together to work on it now but the majority agreed to work this way for the time being.

Below are the spreads that I've been working on so far towards the final document of the yearbook, following the final document and type specifications that we have developed previously:

Size: 210x210mm
Bleed: 3mm

Top: 10mm
Bottom: 10mm
Insides: 14mm
Outsides: 10mm

12 with 3mm gutters. (aligned to margins not page)

Name text
Quicksand 22.5pt on 27pt
First name is Quicksand Book
Surname is Quicksand Light

Tel/email/web + statements

Courier New 7.5pt on 13.5pt (unline offset to 3pt, thickness is default)

Open publication - Free publishing - More development

The final ones we selected to use with the intention to develop them further:

Progress of the yearbook is going relatively well so far, considering all the breaks from college we've had and all the other briefs and collaborations we've all had separately which all add towards setting a date to work together much more difficult. The quality of the work we've been developing is quite consistent I think, we all seem to share similar ideas on how we want this to work and are all quite vocal with our opinions throughout the process.

So far we are at the stage where we're putting the whole book together in it's initial order as planned. We are currently waiting for the rest of the spreads to come together, before we can group together again to make adjustments before printing a full mockup out ready for the crit and to show the fine art committee for feedback.

In terms of the management of the project and meeting production deadlines, I think we're pretty much on target for print deadlines and hopefully meeting the budget. The only issue we have at the moment is the matt black foil block for the front cover. This will be something we'll have to develop and are currently waiting for a final confirmation on whether our design fits within the A6 size limitation or not.

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