Friday, 13 May 2011

Garry Barker publication revised

Spent an evening refining the initial Garry Barker publication that I had developed earlier for the pitch, which did not get chosen. Although it's a relatively small brief as it was just a pitch, I felt that what I had produced contained something that added to my portfolio, therefore decided to spend a bit more time developing the spreads and design of it, paying more attention to the smaller details, which I did not have time to focus on before.

Below are the revised spreads. The development focuses more on the order and content of the publication with attention to the flow of information and how it is presented. I felt that the previous version was a bit repetitive with 2 covers saying Garry Barker + exhibition details. Instead I decided to make the wrap around cover which will be printed on a different stock a poster, displaying a number f GB's work in black & white. This makes use of the different coloured stock whilst making the cover and first page interact as the name of the publication/artist is revealed from the way the publication is put together.

Aswell as making adjustments to the overall layout and margin specifications, I've also made the type smaller with corresponding leading adjustments. I managed to get the actual copy from Garry for his biography, so changed the whole layout of the biography page, this I might place in the centre of the publication instead.

Cover developments. The first one was the original one that I had for the pitch, printing on coloured stock which I felt was quite appropriate and wanted to retain. As an exhibition book and publication to showcase Garry's work, I wasn't too sure with a complete typographic front cover so experimenting with layouts with his work instead.

My further developments extended this idea to it being a poster instead, which people can either retain attached to the book or pull off and hang on the wall. I made a few more adjustments with the layouts, added the details to the back of it and made all the image greyscale to print onto the coloured stock.

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