Thursday, 5 May 2011

Questions for crit - 05/05/11

01 Interior Design publication - This is our first mockup for this so there's still plenty of time to make any changes etc. SO, are there any immediate issues with this? Does it say interior design, is layout consistent, is the design direction appropriate?

Production wise, this is a slightly scaled down version of the 

02 ISTD Fakery - This has already been submitted to ISTD and returned, but I'm planning on spending a day or two to make final revisions with this. Are there any immediate issues with the designs? Anything to change, reconsider etc. (apart from typos!)

The booklet that comes with it is intended to be a simple manual - like booklet with all the relevant information and details regarding the project concept and the calendars. Does the design of this work well with the calendar? What do you think of the format? And finally, how could this be incorporated into the calendar, when presented together?

03 STUBBURBAN - Does the lookbook and the other materials go well together? Which business cards should I choose? White or black?

04 Fine Art Year Book - Does the crazy layout of the images work? Personally I'm not too sure about the changing position of the student profile information. Do they work with the images or do you agree that they should have a more consistent positioning in the page?

05 End of Year Show - This obviously didn't get picked, but Ross and I are planning on making final revisions on this in the next couple of days. Whats the 1st thing you would change or improve with this? (Refer to Ross' table for white alternative version)

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