Monday, 28 March 2011

Studio Emmi

Some amazing work by London based Studio Emmi - a relatively small scale design studio as it seems producing some really nice type & information driven design work for a wide range of clients. I really like the work they produce, the Common Interest book in particular.

'Written and designed by Emmi Salonen, and published by Index Book, Common Interest: Documents explores document design and format solutions in the fields of arts, culture, academia, public sector and charities. Displayed, handed out or sold in art galleries, at cultural events and at other public places, these designs are widely accessible by everyone.'

Although I haven't yet read this, I'd really like to find out more or even obtain a copy ASAP! It seems highly relavent to my practice and also includes subjects that are not directly linked to graphic design. Something that's appropriate as research material for my design context brief that I should really get on with very soon.

Due to this, I plan to get in contact with Studio Emmi in the following week in time for Easter, hopefully allowing me to arrange for potential studio visits aswell for this.

Their promotional booklet on their recent projects is also another rather nice piece. Really appreciate the format, packaging, materials and general design direction of it. The whole pack is bound by an elastic band which surprisingly doesn't interfere at all with the overall feel of it, which just shows their attention to detail and the fact that this was probably designed with that in mind rather than it being a last minute change to cut costs.

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