Sunday, 17 April 2011

Lookbook structure

The initial structure for Laura Stubbs' fashion lookbook. Her collection is called pH and for the brand name, together we have settled for Stubburban. The main aim of the lookbook is to showcase the collection and the innovative designs whilst also promoting STUBBURBAN as a menswear fashion design brand. There aren't really any restrictions or guidelines to the lookbook in terms of the design, Laura has been quite open to the ideas that I've suggested and I seem to have a lot of flexibility to how I want to work with this project, therefore wanted to focus on developing a grounded idea and design direction that reinforces the main messages and tones of the brand and the collection.

The structure of the book is divided into 3 clear sections; firstly the introduction at the beginning explaining the concept behind the collection and what the brand is about etc. Laura's pH collection is divided into 2 sets; the Acid and the Alkaline series each having 3 products to represent them. I felt that this was one of the key points that I needed to reinforce with the lookbook therefore sectioned out the other 2 parts to be Acid and Alkaline.  

Open publication - Free publishing - More book
The general structure is pretty straightforward, with 6 products, it allows enough spreads for the introduction, breaks and the final page for credits and further contact details.

It's nothing final, especially as I'm still considering other formats for the lookbook, but this is a clear start to how I'm going to work on the spreads for the time being.

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